Digital Qube Training

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Course Designer & Trainer

Trainer and lecturer in Innovation, Digital Transformation and Marketing

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Course Designer & Trainer

Jeremy is a trainer, speaker, and consultant with 25 years of experience working with senior management, both client side and within agencies.
He is a Lecturer and Professor at EDHEC University in Lille and ISDI in Barcelona, has been a visiting Professor at Hult in Dubai, Westminster University and The Stockholm School of Economics. He has wide experience and expertise in areas such as strategy

and planning, leadership, digital transformation, and marketing. Jeremy is also a facilitator and trainer for the Google Digital Academy.
Jeremy has also worked directly for many leading global brands such as Microsoft, IBM, Google, Vodafone, Johnson & Johnson, Ely Lilly, 3i, Jumeirah Group, British Airways, and Hilton Hotels and Resorts.
With a solid background leading hundreds of successful campaigns for enterprise, SMEs and Start-ups, he uses this experience in designing and delivering training and mentoring businesses and their teams to improve their performance.
Jeremy is passionate about teaching, training, sharing knowledge and improving the expertise of people worldwide. He is often invited to be the keynote speaker at events around the world and has spoken at events in New York, Las Vegas, Moscow, and London and for brands such as Oracle, IBM and Adobe.

My education

Harvard University

MBA from Harvard Business School

University of Michigan

BBA from University of Michigan

My expirience


MBA from Harvard Business School

Self - employed

BBA from University of Michigan


MBA from Harvard Business School

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